Titanium Bars


1. Implementation standard of titanium rod

GB/ T2965-2007, GB/T13810, Q/ BS5331-91

ASTM B348, ASTM F136, ASTM F67, AMS4928

2. Production brand of titanium rod

Gb: TA1, TA2, TA3, TA7, TA9, TA10, TC4, TC4ELI, TC6, TC9, TC10, TC11

Tag no. : Gr.1, Gr.2, Gr.3, Gr.5, Gr.7, Gr.12

3. Titanium rod production specifications

6.35 to 7.94 +0.13 0.20
7.94 to 11.11 +0.15 0.23
11.11 to 15.88 +0.18 0.25
115.88 to 22.22 +0.20 0.30
22.22 to 25.40 +0.23 0.33
25.40 to 28.58 +0.25 0.38
28.58 to 31.75 +0.28 0.41
31.75 to 34.92 +0.30 0.46
34.92 to 38.10 +0.36 0.53
38.10 to 50.80 +0.40 0.58
50.80 to 63.50 +0.79, 0 0.58
63.50 to 88.90 +1.19, 0 0.89
88.90 to 114.30 +1.59, 0 1.17

4. Production status of titanium rod:

Hot working condition (R)

Cold working condition (Y)

Annealing state (M)

Solid solution state (ST)

5. Test reference standards

1): GB 228 metal tensile test method

2): GB/T 3620.1 titanium and titanium alloy grades and chemical composition

3): GB/T3620.2 titanium and titanium alloy processing products chemical composition and composition allowable deviation

4): GB 4698 sponge titanium, titanium and titanium alloy chemical analysis method

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